If this belt caught your attention I am not surprised! This moodily toned Merlot mock caiman belt with its tonally matched enamel maze buckle is certainly somewhat different. In case you are new to Elliot Rhodes you should know that we have always been fond of our mock croc effect belts. This mock caiman incarnation takes us all the way back to when we started out and after a brief hiatus it is now back in all its glory! As with so many of our mock croc belts this belt in its deep rich Pinot Noir colour has the wonderful advantage of a range of lighter and darker tones which when added to the texture with its mix of smooth flank, raised spines and darker veins gives the belt some real character and depth. We have then paired the belt with this stunning enamel coated maze design buckle - this is a design that really catches the eye and draws you in with its depth with whilst at the same time creating a very cool burgundy on burgundy look. This is one of the our most contemporary belts and can be worn both with denim (smarter or more casual) as well as with any number of outfits that would benefit from a burst of rich, vibrant colour.